The Animation Director is responsible for the supervision and leadership of the animation team. In collaboration with the Director and VFX Supervisor, the Animation Director is responsible for directing, defining and maintaining the continuity of performance throughout a show/feature.
The Animation Director establishes key character animation and creates an animation bible to outline to the production. They review animation passes from internal and external teams, directing them to ensure the quality of animation is maintained throughout the production. They approve all character and facial rigs to make sure that character is to a high enough standard for the production to work with.
Works in partnership with the CG/Rigging/Vfx Supervisor to interpret and develop directors creative vision for the performance of characters within the production
Will be involved with early performance development of major CG characters. Creates performance test composites for review by the Director/Supervision team in order to make an animation bible for the production.
Runs animation dailies, ensures animation quality control and ensuring performance consistency. Interpret director’s needs, provide constructive feedback to crew.
Work in partnership with Production to correctly cast shots to animators and ensure continuity of performance while meeting all schedules and highest standards
Responsible for clear lines of communication between, animation team, other departments and production.
Work closely with the Rigging Department to ensure the delivery of Rigs that will meet an animator’s need for control, functionality, usability and performance.
Implement the specific animation pipeline requirements of a particular project. Test and deploy tools in a high pressure production environment.
Document and manage research, disseminate all show workflows and performance references to the animation team to ensure consistency
Work closely with FX Supervisor to ensure primary animation and secondary animation (cloth, hair, wardrobe etc.) are delivered to the highest standards.
Work closely with Production, providing performance feedback, mentoring and maintaining positive moral among the team.
Responsible for hitting animation targets according to the schedule with support from production to do so.
To succeed at this job, you need:
Several years experience in the Animation department. A thorough understanding of animation techniques and technologies.
Indepth knowledge of CG software tools.
Excellent aesthetic judgments – keen understanding of composition, cinematic design and working to live action constraints and performances.
Excellent spatial awareness and a feel for movement and timing. With a keen eye for Weight, Balance, understanding of animation principles and aesthetics in motion.
Excellent performance judgments, Can give constructive feedback that enhances choreography and the performance.
Great organizational skills and ability to manage a very busy team with, while meeting production timetables and budgets.
Several years experience in the Animation department. Excellent showreel proving proficient knowledge of animation.
Career Path from Animation Supervisor: Episode Director, CG Supervisor, Head of Animation Department.
Education Routes: Animation Supervisors often have a degree in Animation, Motion Design, or Visual Effects but can also come for cognate areas such as, Film Studies, or Games.
Not an entry-level role. Show reel and senior animation experience are important here.